The name, Pixel Happy Studio, was inspired by a very awesome cat that we named Happy. Just as children, I believe animals also name themselves if we are just able to tune in and hear.
Happy the Cat was born to a feral cat who lived in the farmhouse barn. The cats who live in the barn are used to people being around, but they generally don’t come too close or let you touch them.

Enter Happy. I was visiting my mom and we went out to the farmhouse to check on some things. When I see all the kittens running around a tractor, I get out to take pictures. Most of the cats ran away but one little black cat came and crawled in my lap, then followed us into the house. He was just as happy as could be to be inside, immediately started using the litter box and lounging by the fireplace like he was born there.
I left and they soon put Happy back in the barn with the other cats thinking that perhaps he was lonely. When I returned four months later, we decided to go check on Happy. And we found him in the barn just as happy as could be, even though he had a big cut on one of his legs.

Happy enjoying a Sunday afternoon drive resting on the dashboard!
We decide to take him home this time and guess what Happy does — he just goes into the car with two little dogs and jumps in the back seat ready to travel! Yes, Happy the Cat loves to travel.
When we took him to the vet to be neutered, my mom called to see how he was doing. The receptionist said, “Oh, he’s just as happy as can be… trying to play with the other cats through the cage
Perhaps you can see where this is leading and why he was such an inspiration to me: Happy the Cat is happy no matter the circumstances. Alone in the farmhouse, outside and cold in the barn, in a cage at the vet, or riding down the road with two dogs…. Happy is Happy!
I’m reminded of a quote I heard recently. When John Lennon was a child in school, the school teacher asked the children what they wanted to be when they grew up. John answered that he wanted to be happy when he grew up. The teacher told John she didn’t think he understood the question. John’s reply: No, I don’t think you understand life.
Happiness as a state of being — not connected to outside circumstances — is the greatest attainment.
May we all know a deep abiding happiness and share that happiness with those around us.
Thank you, Happy the Cat, for inspiring me to find happiness no matter the outer circumstances.